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“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” ~ Walt Disney

Let’s be honest, some projects feel impossible. I’ve worked with professionals around the world and found that the challenges of bringing different teams together for a program are the same. In program leadership, like organizational leadership, you have to find a way. Although you typically build the team at the start of a project… you might need to pause to build-up the team from time to time when difficulties arise.

Recently, I traveled to Asheville, NC for an onsite visit to HomeTrust Bank. We’d been working on a challenging program that had faced difficulties due to circumstances outside of the bank’s control. Nevertheless, the team had been impacted and I thought it might be encouraging to get the team together and have a little change of pace.

I started the team meeting with a very brief status update then turned the focus to the team. It was team-building time. I wanted to know how the team was really doing and to encourage them. I reminded them that the root of these challenges was not because the team missed anything.

I asked everyone to bring their favorite leadership quote to share. Sometimes, a great quote is what I need to refocus. I love quotes. I collect them. Not just quotes from famous people or world leaders, but things that colleagues and other great leaders I’ve worked with have said. People can say funny things over the course of a project – sometimes, accidentally, that person is me. As a leader, it can also help you inspire, encourage and relate to people. I aspire to be a great leader of people like my husband, Ian Donaldson one day.

I told the team there’s too many favorites for me, so I picked this one for the day -

“Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier. “~General Colin Powell, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

I appreciate the team sharing their favorite leadership quotes with me and allowing me to share them with you. I hope you love them as much as I do!!

  • Sarah Harold shared, “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” ~ Walt Disney
  • Amy Slusher shared, “Rivers know this; there is no hurry. We shall get there someday.” ~ Winnie the Pooh
  • Tina Ramsey shared, “Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” ~Vivian Greene
  • Lash Briggs shared, “A leader is best when people barely know he/she exists, when the work is done, the aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” ~Lao Tzu
  • Dana Dalton shared, “Through adversity we have a choice. We can run away from each other or we can run towards each other. Remember, connection breeds commitment.” ~ Jon Gordon
  • Carolyn Blum shared, “Drive fast, take chances!” ~Carolyn’s Dad
  • Ciro Piccirillo shared, “Stay positive and love your life” ~ lyrics from Jupiter, by 311

And, a bonus quote - I remember having a conversation with Ciro during a previous conversion event and he shared that his dad would always say, “These are the good ol’ days.” Deep truth is often simple. When we retire someday or reminisce about the “good ol’ days”, we’re living those days right now… so, enjoy them.

In closing, I want to add that this is one of the best teams I have ever worked with. They all give their all, every single day. Doesn’t matter the ask, they are there for it. We have the best team! #BestTeam

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” ~ Walt Disney

Not everyone’s shown in the picture or shared a quote at the onsite meeting. Below are all the members of the #BestTeam:

Sarah Harold, Amber Esmond, Amy Slusher, Charlotte Ronie, Dana Dalton, Tina Ramsey, Callie Escott, Sarah Capewell, Emily Nickell, Lash Briggs, Jesse Ortiz, Ciro Piccirillo, Carolyn Blum